Few days after unsettling the world with his recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel, U.S President Donald Trump, has added to it – supporting death sentence for terrorists.
He said that individuals, convicted of terrorism charges, deserve “the strongest penalty allowed by law,” including death penalty.
Trump’s statement is not the first in which the US president has called for death penalty for terrorism offenders.
Trump made the similar statement concerning perpetrator of the Nov. 1, terror attack in New York’s Lower Manhattan, where a man drove a truck into a bike path, killing eight people and injuring 11 others
To the consternation of the world and international community, Tump last week recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The UN and other bodies have criticised Trump for the action.
On Monday, a man detonated a bomb inside a New York City subway passageway near the Port Authority Bus Terminal, injuring three people.
The blast perpetrator sustained wounds in the explosion, too.
Authorities said the explosion was a terrorism-related attack.
“Those convicted of engaging in acts of terror deserve the strongest penalty allowed by law, including the death penalty in appropriate cases.
“America should always stand firm against terrorism and extremism, ensuring that our great institutions can address all evil acts of terror,” Trump said in a statement.
The New York Police Department identified the Port Authority attack suspect as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah.
The media reported that Ullah was a Bangladeshi immigrant who lived in New York’s borough of Brooklyn and used to work as a taxi driver and as an electrical.
NBC News broadcaster reported, citing law enforcement officials, that the suspect said he had detonated the explosive device after spotting a holiday display.
Media have drown connections between the New York attack and the 2016 terror act at a Berlin Christmas market, which resulted in 12 people dead and 56 others injured.
The individual reportedly told investigators he perpetrated the attack in the name of the Islamic State terror group to avenge the deaths of Muslims around the world.
The broadcaster also reported, citing police, that the bomb, used by the suspect on Monday, was made from a pipe, a nine-volt battery, matches, and Christmas tree lights.
The New York Times newspaper, in turn, reported, citing law enforcement, that Ullah said he had committed the blast in retaliation for the U.S. airstrikes in Syria and other countries, targeting IS members.
Also, Ullah told investigators he had been radicalised online.