
VP Ruto Wins Kenya’s presidential Election

Kenya’s Deputy President, William Ruto has defeated opposition leader, Raila Odinga backed by Uhuru Kenyatta in the Kenyan presidential election. (MBN) reports Ruto led a tight presidential race against Odinga, official results reported by Kenyan media showed on Monday.

Ruto was declared the winner of the presidential election by the Kenyan Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), chaired by Wafula Chebukati.

He won the election, polling 50.49 per cent of the total votes cast and was declared president-elect by Chebukati. Odinga came second with 48.85 per cent of the votes.

MBN reports the announcement of the results of the Kenyan presidential election is coming six days after Kenyans went to the polls.
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The credibility of the election results has been called to question. Four IEBC Commissioners led by Vice Chair of the Commission, Juliana Cherera have disowned the results, saying tallying was opaque.

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