
Confusion Over Refunds For Pre-paid Meters By Ikeja Electric

These may not be the best of times for the operators in the power sector, particularly, the electricity distribution companies which are currently enmeshed in liquidity and confidence crisis. While the federal government is planning a forensics audit over their true ownership occasioned by lack of adequate investment by the acquirers of the assets from the defunct National Electric Power Authority (NEPA), most of the DisCos have running battles with their customers for poor services, sharp practices in meter acquisition and unreasonable estimated billings, the Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company, IE is currently battling to explain to its customers its position on prepaid meters purchased by its customers.
The current confusion is as a result of alleged conflicting statements from the company on the refunds on purchased meters.
But IE insists that it’s a statement on the issue was however misinterpreted insisting that no refunds would be made.
Specifically, earlier this week, media reports had it that Ikeja Electric was said to be designing a proposal to refund its customers for pre-paid meters procured under the ongoing Meter Assets Provider (MAP) scheme.
Felix Ofulue, Head, Corporate Communications, IE, allegedly made this known to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ikeja on Tuesday.
Ofulue said that the proposal was, however, subject to the approval of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC).
He said the refund would either be in discounted tariffs or release of energy usage to cover the amount over a period of time upon approval by NERC.

 “People are not aware that we intend to make this repayment. There are a lot of things that we are putting into considerations.

“The current tariff we have now is actually not cost-reflective but once we agree on a semi-cost reflective tariff, then we are going to discount the tariff for our customers so that they can enjoy the benefit of the scheme, ” Ofulue was quoted as saying

While the customers and social media operators were celebrating, the euphoria was shortlived as another release came from the same organization saying the contrary. 
Ofulue said in the release that the company will not make any refunds contrary to media reports. 
Part of the release says, ” Contrary to media reports that IE will refund the cost of MAP prepaid meters, customers are now by law obliged to pay for their prepaid meters in accordance with the Meter Asset Provider Regulation 2018 made pursuant to the electric power sector reform Act 2005.”
Concerned about the seeming confusion, approached Ofulue for clarification.
His response, ” The public notice refutes the news report which was completely misinterpreted. There will be no refund of any sort.”
But the response has not gone down well with the consumers, who are rather accusing the company of ‘double standard’ as well as its deliberate effort to frustrate consumers. 
Some of them cited hurdles and near impossibility in getting the prepaid meters but that the staff keeps promising customers of coming for the survey, but which is becoming elusive. 
While some of the staff are allegedly involved in prepaid meter racketeering, the company enjoys rolling out between N20, 000 to N30, 000 monthly on estimated billings. 
Some of the consumers on the Arepo axis are bitter about epileptic and in some cases total darkness for weeks and higher estimates billings monthly. 
However, most of them are optimistic that the current policy pronouncement by the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), if properly monitored will bring an end to the exploitation by DisCos. 
However, while the level of confidence in NERC to carry out its policy on the ceiling on payment for consumption without meter, they say another area or conflict that may result in series of litigation may have been opened as they would stand on the policy directive from NERC. 
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